At Dynamint, we’re here to help you with your software development needs. As a small team, we offer flexibility and efficiency that larger firms often can’t. Our goal is to solve your technical problems while also helping to improve your overall business.
What we do
Custom Software Development: We design and build software tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s a web app, mobile app, or a more complex system, we’ve got you covered.
Software Integration: We specialize in integrating new tools and technologies with your existing systems. Whether you’re looking to add AI capabilities, implement payment platforms, or connect other third-party services, we ensure everything works seamlessly together.
Game Development: We create engaging and unique games that both entertain and convey meaningful experiences.
Success Stories
Uplause creates engaging and gamified products to live events, especially sport events. They sell their products globally, with a high emphasis on the U.S. market.
Success Story: Many of Uplause’s clients wanted personalized solutions, limiting the scalability of Uplause’s business model. We aided Uplause in developing and integrating a Customizable Solution, enabling greater outreach of their product.
AITOFIT is an emerging new tech startup, promising better workouts with the help of AI. Their successful app has landed them on the Top Charts in Play Store and App Store.
Success Story: Throughout our collaboration with AITOFIT, their app achieved significant success. We assisted them in launching their app on the Play and App Stores. Additionally, we improved their web app by integrating a payment platform (Stripe) and helped to pave way for the global launch of the AITOFIT app.
Yhteistyö on mahdollistanut nopean, joustavan ja tehokkaan sovelluksen parantamisen, jonka vaikutukset huomataan suoraan mitattavissa KPI:ssa. Yhteistyö on myös mahdollistanut ja auttanut kannattavien, startupeissa usein hankalien päätösten tekemistä.
Julius & Tapio, Founders, AITOFIT